About Us:
We are Cindy and Dave Cwi of Indianapolis, IN. Cwi is pronounced like sweet except without the 't', hence the origin of our kennel name. We currently have no breedings planned.
Cindy is the Vice-President of the American Eskimo Dog Club of America (AKC Parent Club). She is also the editor of The Review, the quarterly newsletter for the AEDCA.
We have had Eskies since 1998 when we got Digby from Sierra American Eskimos. That was followed by Jasper in 2000, and Maggie in 2002. Our only breeding was in 2005 and from that got our sweet Tess. Robert (Sierra Rock the House) joined the pack in 2010 and is being shown in AKC.
About our dogs:
We have Standard sized American Eskimos. Standards are between 15" and 19" tall and generally weigh between 30 and 40 pounds. All of our dogs are AKC Champions, and UKC Grand Champions and have agility training and some agility competition. Our current show dog, Robert is also an AKC Grand Champion. They have been OFA x-rayed (hips) and CERF examined (eyes) and Opti-Gen tested (eye gene test for PRA). Our dogs are members of our family and enjoy being involved in whatever is going on!